1 00:00:08,220 --> 00:00:14,370 Mary Rees: Good afternoon. We'll give people a couple of minutes to join us. Hope everyone is doing well. 2 00:00:28,770 --> 00:00:32,460 So we'll just wait another one or two minutes while people come join us. 3 00:00:36,270 --> 00:00:37,830 Hope you all are enjoying your summer. 4 00:00:39,180 --> 00:00:42,690 Between summer school and summer vacation and summer planning. 5 00:01:11,550 --> 00:01:14,820 Just heard that it has been a whirlwind of joy and I love it. 6 00:01:16,920 --> 00:01:18,900 And we missed all of you as well. 7 00:01:23,610 --> 00:01:41,250 Well, good morning. I always say that. Excuse me. Good afternoon, and thank you for joining the Moorpark college update for July 27th. The program is being recorded. It is also closed captioned. If you'd like to see the closed captioning, 8 00:01:42,750 --> 00:01:47,970 Please click at the bottom on the CC so that you can see the closed captioning. 9 00:01:54,900 --> 00:02:07,020 Let's see, we talked about the captioning and that...Transcripts will be available as well as the past transcripts on the President's web page. Hopefully you've noticed our new web page. Our new... 10 00:02:08,400 --> 00:02:13,020 All of our new postings, and that, and are enjoying that as well. 11 00:02:14,280 --> 00:02:17,310 So good afternoon. Interim President Sokenu. 12 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:21,720 Julius Sokenu: Hi everyone, welcome, and thank you for joining us this afternoon. 13 00:02:22,980 --> 00:02:33,510 As always, it is one of the highlights of the week for us, for me anyway for us to gather at this point in time. I know everybody's kind of antsy cuz 14 00:02:34,140 --> 00:02:46,080 I know like me. I just, I was looking at the calendar and I thought, wow, you know, the fall semester starts in three weeks. And that just kind of, you know, it creates anxiety on some level, but it's also excitement on another level. 15 00:02:47,100 --> 00:02:54,990 Of course, you know, we're sort of education, well, I speak for myself. You're education nerds and the whole going back to school thing kind of recharges us. 16 00:02:56,580 --> 00:03:06,390 I just want to sort of start off by giving you some very short updates on what's happening regarding our, our fall 2020 operations. 17 00:03:07,530 --> 00:03:14,880 And really, by the end of this week, you should have delivered to everyone's mailbox, 18 00:03:15,900 --> 00:03:31,440 email box, the operational plans for fall 2020. I know that folks are really anxious to identify what we'll be doing in terms of, you know, for those folks who are teaching on campus, coming on campus. 19 00:03:32,310 --> 00:03:35,970 For those who are working remotely, you know, what does that mean 20 00:03:36,570 --> 00:03:46,170 for the fall semester, etc. I think it's really important for us to know that a group of folks have been working really diligently on not only 21 00:03:46,710 --> 00:04:03,360 thinking through our fall offerings, or thinking through our fall offerings through the lens of safety. Through the lens of, you know, equity, and thinking through our fall operations with the understanding that, you know, things might change on a dime in any given moment. 22 00:04:04,590 --> 00:04:19,980 So you will be hearing later on from us this week for that document that will be clearly delineating all the various actions that we've just been recently talking about. You know, doing individual workshops next week, so that folks can 23 00:04:21,150 --> 00:04:36,270 get a more in depth opportunities to ask questions around those particular activities. What you do need to know is that each of the colleges in the district has crafted a fall 2020 operations document. 24 00:04:36,960 --> 00:04:45,540 We're still, you know, editing and fine tuning those at the moment, but each one of us has. The college district has one as well and 25 00:04:46,770 --> 00:04:58,350 and so there is clear thought that has been put into this. In doing this work for the district, the Vice Chancellor for education services has met with various stakeholder groups. 26 00:04:59,400 --> 00:05:09,960 The Presidents, the Vice Presidents, the various Senates, the Unions, student leadership, etc. So that way, everyone is sort of aware of what is coming, 27 00:05:10,740 --> 00:05:20,910 the leadership of those groups are aware of what is coming. And so the document that you will see, both from the district and both from our college, is really the byproduct of inclusive discussion. 28 00:05:22,200 --> 00:05:36,780 We are very thankful and grateful to John Avalon, who is the coordinator for Allied Health's Program, and to Vice President Jennifer Clark, for the work that they've been doing in putting together our Moorpark College specific documents. And 29 00:05:37,470 --> 00:05:42,240 shout out to the coronavirus workgroup folks who have also served as 30 00:05:43,620 --> 00:05:48,900 really a sounding board as we do this work. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your 31 00:05:50,520 --> 00:05:56,820 thoughtful, engaging, and really intentional feedback on that work. So what you folks will see 32 00:05:57,840 --> 00:06:02,220 coming out of this is a product of really lots of collaboration and thoughts.. 33 00:06:03,270 --> 00:06:10,890 Is it going to address every single situation? No, it can't because everything is so dynamic. And talking about being dynamic, 34 00:06:11,670 --> 00:06:19,650 we expect that the Governor of the State of California will be sharing directives to quote unquote reopening higher education 35 00:06:20,400 --> 00:06:34,170 in the next...hopefully it's sometime in the next 24 to 48 hours, but we're hoping that this week that that information will go out. We're also hoping that that information will not contradict what we've been planning. But as always, you know, we are 36 00:06:35,760 --> 00:06:43,140 agile, and we will go ahead and pivot as it is necessary. I know you all have questions around this. I ask that you please, 37 00:06:43,740 --> 00:06:56,280 you know, save those questions for when we get to the question answer session. And know that, really, the questions will be better answered when we send you the document, you read through the document, and then we have information sessions to discuss them. 38 00:06:57,570 --> 00:07:03,510 Convocation before we know it, you know, August 14th will be here. Convocation is that deal where, 39 00:07:04,080 --> 00:07:15,510 if you remember, we all gather back on the lawn in front of the PAC and there's croissants, and this orange juice, and this fruit, and, you know, people are wearing shorts or some people are wearing shorts. 40 00:07:16,350 --> 00:07:27,330 And it's an opportunity for us to gather back together as a community. And of course in, you know, in the moments of a pandemic and particularly in increased surge in 41 00:07:28,260 --> 00:07:34,110 infection rates in California, we can't do that. So we for, you know, we will be doing this virtually, 42 00:07:34,560 --> 00:07:51,480 like everything else we seem to be doing right now, and we're looking at ways to kind of carry that energy of convocation that we've had on ground, which is really, really, kind of like, you know, coming back home kind of feeling that we have to bring that into an online environment. 43 00:07:52,770 --> 00:08:02,100 Later on in this update, first off Brian Burns, faculty coordination and staff development 44 00:08:03,900 --> 00:08:16,200 professional will be talking with you about the professional development week and what that will look like and Convocation will be part of that. What is key is that we are going to close all offices that day. 45 00:08:16,680 --> 00:08:24,480 We ask that all supervisors work around the new build schedule so that folks are available to participate in convocation. 46 00:08:25,260 --> 00:08:35,070 Eight to noon. So please do set that aside. Please don't take a sick day, please show up. We really do want to hear from you, we want you to be a part of it, everybody to be a part of it. 47 00:08:35,460 --> 00:08:49,080 And so we are, as I said, closing the offices on that day and expecting that everybody will attend convocation and we can track who's there. So please do show up. We want you. We want your voice. We want your participation. 48 00:08:50,310 --> 00:09:01,470 We are hiring nine new faculty members who will start with us on that week august 10 is their first date of hire and of those nine, I believe, three of them are 49 00:09:02,220 --> 00:09:09,750 were currently part time faculty members. I am really, really excited about the opportunity of bringing this many people on board. 50 00:09:10,500 --> 00:09:22,620 Also very excited to see that we have folks who have come from our adjunct ranks into our full-time faculty higher position and I'm also very excited about the diversity of the pool of our new faculty members. 51 00:09:23,520 --> 00:09:34,470 I appreciate the work of everyone who served on a hiring committee and some of that we did prior to COVID and others we did after COVID, actually mostly after COVID and 52 00:09:35,130 --> 00:09:48,840 you have risen to the occasion and we thank you. As Mary said earlier. Oh, new faculty orientation is what I was going to talk about. New faculty orientation is going to be online. Thank you to Jeremy Kay and to Ashley Vaughan 53 00:09:50,070 --> 00:09:56,160 They'll work on this and they will be sharing with us, I think it's next week, the week after, Right Mary? 54 00:09:58,140 --> 00:10:03,780 Okay, they'll be sharing with us, what new faculty orientation will look like in the virtual context. 55 00:10:04,350 --> 00:10:17,070 But please, we will send out the, you know, the names of the new faculty member and ways to contact them so you can welcome them to our campus but just know that new faculty orientation will happen as it always has. 56 00:10:17,790 --> 00:10:26,400 But it will be online this time around. And in addition, our website, as Mary mentioned, has been recently launched 57 00:10:27,420 --> 00:10:37,110 Last week, and we've been getting a lot of information and input from folks who have, you know, used, utilized the website or who have visited the website. We appreciate your 58 00:10:37,770 --> 00:10:55,230 continuous feedback so that we can keep enhancing. The new website is Drupal 8. There will be training sessions during professional development week so that we can provide to you, ways of navigating, but we also have, as I mentioned a 59 00:10:56,520 --> 00:11:05,670 week ago that we also now have a coordinator of marketing and, sorry about that, a Coordinator of Marketing and 60 00:11:06,990 --> 00:11:13,530 Web Design in the person of Dina Pielaet and so Dina will also be here on campus to help support that work. 61 00:11:14,910 --> 00:11:21,990 With no further ado, I'm going to transition over to our Vice President of Business who will share with you the update 62 00:11:24,000 --> 00:11:27,540 Jennifer Clark: Good afternoon. Thank you so much. Julius you 63 00:11:28,770 --> 00:11:39,540 Julius already talked a lot about our fall plan. So we are very excited myself, our team. The coronavirus work group along 64 00:11:39,990 --> 00:11:51,150 Again, I want to give another shout out to John Everlove who has just done a tremendous job writing this document for us, gathering information and he's just done a wonderful job. 65 00:11:52,290 --> 00:12:03,480 So I'm very excited that will be able to share that really, it's the, it's the draft version 2.0, with you later this week. 66 00:12:03,780 --> 00:12:22,140 for broader input. And yes, we will be scheduling sessions with you all next week to for you to again to do some training with you and then time for you to ask questions about, you know, procedures, process the document itself, whatever, whatever questions you may have. 67 00:12:23,820 --> 00:12:31,500 I don't want to take up a whole lot of time this morning. We have a very, very full agenda. So I will just update you just on a couple of very quick things. 68 00:12:32,010 --> 00:12:49,800 Quick items I should say the CAREs funding for students, I did want to happily report to everybody that the 15% of the 2.7 some million that Moorpark College received to go directly to students to support students in their, you know, their academic 69 00:12:50,940 --> 00:13:04,530 careers. we have fully expanded that we fully have distributed that 15% it's about 385,000 dollars. We were able to help 655 students for the summer. 70 00:13:04,980 --> 00:13:11,250 So that was our summer allocation fully spent, we are well on our way to 71 00:13:11,820 --> 00:13:19,800 To allocating or false. So we're several hundred thousand into at least a couple hundred thousand into fall already, so that work continues. 72 00:13:20,280 --> 00:13:31,230 The other item I wanted to let you know on is the budget, I'm, we're still waiting to hear on the budget, we know that tax collection ended a little over a week ago. 73 00:13:31,620 --> 00:13:40,740 I don't have any new information on how that went. I'm still waiting to hear. I keep checking my email checking my resources, looking for updates. 74 00:13:41,070 --> 00:13:56,460 But I did want to just reiterate to you all that Moorpark is prepared you know we are prepared for, as in upwards of a you know a 10% cut to our unrestricted general funds. So we've done that in stages. We've worked with our, you know, our Dean's and all of our 75 00:13:57,720 --> 00:14:06,120 all of our folks all of our coordinators program directors everyone who basically has authority or 76 00:14:08,010 --> 00:14:18,420 you know, over a budget, we work with those folks to look at, you know, what would a 5% cut look like what would a 10% cut look like. So we are ready for whatever comes 77 00:14:19,470 --> 00:14:24,630 So with that, I'm going to pass the mic over to Mary Rees. 78 00:14:26,520 --> 00:14:35,130 Mary: Thank you, Jennifer, appreciate it. As what Julius was referring to and he was talking about. We're looking anxiously to hear from the governor 79 00:14:35,640 --> 00:14:47,400 About a week ago, the Governor's Office did talk about that schools reopening in the fall, would be linked to whether the County was on the state monitoring list. 80 00:14:47,880 --> 00:14:58,890 When they talk about school, schools refer to K-12 and adult schools. So it is not the higher education and does not include us in that, the States definition of the schools. 81 00:14:59,280 --> 00:15:10,860 So we have not had specific instructions come from the new instructions come from the Governor's Office, K-12 did and they were told they needed to wait on their reopening until 82 00:15:11,730 --> 00:15:19,350 They the County was off of the monitoring list currently for two weeks. Currently, Ventura County is still on the 83 00:15:20,580 --> 00:15:22,470 to be monitored list so 84 00:15:23,610 --> 00:15:35,820 are the K-12 are going to be going with online instruction for at least for right now, it depends where we are. And the good news about that is it. It's a floating 85 00:15:36,330 --> 00:15:52,830 Timeline in that if we are told the same thing which we have not been, but we are waiting to hear in any instruction. But if we are told that, then that just says, at that moment, if we're on the watch list or the monitor list for the last two weeks, we can't open 86 00:15:53,910 --> 00:16:04,080 only essential services. So then we would have to continue monitoring and hopefully the county will be soon off of the monitor list and we can move forward with 87 00:16:04,740 --> 00:16:13,980 repopulating and safely moving forward with our with our plans. So we'll continue to monitor and keep you aware 88 00:16:14,760 --> 00:16:27,060 Currently our scheduled for fall is a 90% completely online. We do have about 10% of our courses that have some kind of a non ground component 89 00:16:27,480 --> 00:16:37,020 Nothing is completely on ground even our essential services all are utilizing online, where appropriate, so 90 00:16:37,560 --> 00:16:48,210 we have really the faculty and staff have really worked hard to define what's needed in order to provide excellence safe education for our students and 91 00:16:48,630 --> 00:17:04,230 So some of those courses do have an on ground component. we're working through all the details, you're aware of the groups. If you're in those groups you're aware that yours are. And we're working through as far as providing as safely as possible. 92 00:17:05,460 --> 00:17:12,030 When you're coming to campus. If you are on one of those courses that do have a 93 00:17:13,080 --> 00:17:21,120 On ground component, whether you're the essential services, which include the Nursing the EATM RADtech EMT 94 00:17:21,930 --> 00:17:33,750 our Biotech. Many of our sciences have either small groups or specific classes where they would come in many of our arts, Performing Arts, arts and Music, 95 00:17:34,740 --> 00:17:46,020 has setups where that they would come in, for example, ceramics is a great example, come in and get the clay drop off or killed work, pick it up so that they could 96 00:17:46,410 --> 00:17:56,280 Do the glazing, these would all be scheduled appropriately so that social distancing and very safe manner can help meet the students 97 00:17:56,850 --> 00:18:08,460 objectives as well. So if you are coming in for that you need to make sure that you've got your plan set up so that in case we do need to go completely online. What are you going to do 98 00:18:09,120 --> 00:18:18,990 So if you're doing an on ground component to your class, you need to have plans so that if your student does become positive. You wouldn't want them coming in, 99 00:18:19,410 --> 00:18:26,640 just so that they didn't get dropped from the class. We want to provide flexibility so that our students are making good solid safe choices. 100 00:18:27,030 --> 00:18:31,800 So we need to have all of our plans for that. The same thing goes with 101 00:18:32,250 --> 00:18:42,180 substitutes for all of our faculty, and I think probably for all of our staff too, needs to be aware and thinking about what are you going to do for substitutes, if your activities need, 102 00:18:42,540 --> 00:18:51,510 if you heaven forbid did get sick and that, so if you're a faculty and are ill, the usual process is notifying your dean, 103 00:18:51,840 --> 00:19:00,060 and hopefully you've established a substitute list, so who would be good for those classes and work with your dean and their department chair on that, 104 00:19:00,720 --> 00:19:08,640 and then once your deans been notified, they can notice by our instructional design team to have that substitute 105 00:19:09,390 --> 00:19:29,640 given access to your canvas shell so that they can substitute in your class. So lots of little details to work out. If you are coming on campus, for a class that's been pre- approved by submitting it to the chancellor, to the college, to the district office, to the Ventura County Public Health, 106 00:19:30,810 --> 00:19:41,550 then there's certain processes. If you're not part of any of those plans and you do need to still come on campus, we would follow our same process, which would be notifying your dean 107 00:19:42,570 --> 00:19:54,300 in your division and requesting permission to come on campus, explaining, we do want to keep the number of people on campus down as low as possible, just to provide every measure of safety for all involved in that. 108 00:19:55,020 --> 00:20:03,870 If you do need to come on campus, we have established setups, that's going to be as Julius defined and Jennifer said will be coming out to everyone. 109 00:20:04,230 --> 00:20:12,930 It includes a plan where either through your phone or through your computer, there's a pre-screening: have you been exposed to anyone with Covid? Do you have any of the symptoms? 110 00:20:13,260 --> 00:20:20,400 It'll be using the app that we already have for our phone systems for Moorpark College we'll be sending out information on that. 111 00:20:21,150 --> 00:20:28,800 You would just answer whether you have any of the symptoms, and then you would get the green light on your phone or computer that says you can come to campus. 112 00:20:29,220 --> 00:20:36,000 When you come to campus, there'll be specific parking lots, which for faculty and staff to park in and for students to park in. 113 00:20:36,510 --> 00:20:41,940 Near those parking structures will be some tents to greet people and to check their temperature, 114 00:20:42,390 --> 00:20:50,850 and if your temperatures is okay, and you already have the green light from the pre- screening, you'll be given either a bracelet or a sticker or something to indicate that you 115 00:20:51,390 --> 00:21:00,480 have done all the pre measures and to increase our safety here on campus. Anyone coming on campus, needs to be wearing a mask. 116 00:21:01,140 --> 00:21:07,950 If people are walking their dogs from the neighborhood, they're going to see signs in the street, signs on the campus that say 117 00:21:08,340 --> 00:21:17,670 "Anyone on campus needs to be wearing a mask." This is for your safety and the safety of everyone else. So we need people to 118 00:21:18,330 --> 00:21:22,650 include that in their syllabus to define that students are expected, 119 00:21:23,130 --> 00:21:32,340 are required, I should say, to be wearing a mask and to go through all of the pre- screening and the temperature check in order to come on campus. We have 120 00:21:32,700 --> 00:21:47,910 wonderful, high-quality, excellent education online; if your particular course does have an on ground component, we expect you to be following, the students, and the faculty, and staff to be following all of these rules so that everyone can be safe. 121 00:21:50,190 --> 00:21:55,980 I think those are main things that we're going to be talking about. We're going to continue to have lots and lots of conversation because there's 122 00:21:56,280 --> 00:22:07,290 a lot of nuances, as you know, we're a big campus and we meet large number of students needs, but your students need every one of you, all the faculty and staff and the other students 123 00:22:07,560 --> 00:22:13,890 to be there and the administrators to be helping support the students because if we're not sure what's going on, 124 00:22:14,340 --> 00:22:26,700 and we're a little concerned with all the changes in our world, just imagine what they are doing. So they need your help to move forward. They've got their educational goals and they need your help to help them move towards that. 125 00:22:27,720 --> 00:22:40,740 On Student Services, student services have been really addressing that particular needs, trying to make sure that all of the needs of our students, whether you're talking about Financial Aid, Admissions and Records, 126 00:22:41,580 --> 00:22:52,050 Tutoring, learning how to use the online with our students online resource, all the faculty resources online, the staff resources online; 127 00:22:53,130 --> 00:23:04,410 there's just incredible resources that are being made available, and we want to thank all the people that have been, trying to prepare systems so that when students can come, 128 00:23:04,920 --> 00:23:13,680 clearly, it won't be like a normal fall, but it will be in, that you will be there and they are there to help the students find their way. 129 00:23:15,000 --> 00:23:23,370 Part of finding our way is Brian Burns is going to be helping us today with some discussion about our usual 130 00:23:24,720 --> 00:23:33,570 process of Professional Development. We've got our Flex week and Convocation. Brian, can you tell us a little bit about that? 131 00:23:37,170 --> 00:23:37,590 Brian Burns: Lovely, 132 00:23:37,620 --> 00:23:49,680 so good afternoon, everyone. Thank you, Mary. So I wanted to give an update about fall Professional Development week, we can see the dates here from August 11 to the 14,. So 133 00:23:50,700 --> 00:23:57,090 you know, as, as it probably is not a big surprise, of course, Flex week is going to be 100% online. 134 00:23:57,540 --> 00:24:09,900 So things are going to be different than what we've done before, we are, you know, facing certain challenges, but we also have certain opportunities to consider. So if we could have the next slide please, I'm going to introduce some thematic ideas. 135 00:24:11,760 --> 00:24:15,000 So, "life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... 136 00:24:16,860 --> 00:24:19,650 ...it's about learning to dance in the rain." 137 00:24:22,230 --> 00:24:32,070 So we have obstacles. We have challenges in front of us, and we have opportunities to to think about these obstacle, are they things to struggle with, or are these opportunities? 138 00:24:33,600 --> 00:24:35,340 And if we could have the next slide please. 139 00:24:38,580 --> 00:24:46,260 So I'm introducing here, this is our theme for professional development, not just for PD week, but for the whole year for professional development. 140 00:24:46,740 --> 00:24:54,420 Our theme here, is "Dancing in the Storm: Finding and Developing Innovative Solutions in Challenging Times," we are facing challenging times, 141 00:24:55,050 --> 00:25:06,960 we are facing a storm of challenges. Now, I'll be honest, we started developing this theme back in the middle of last semester and at the time we were thinking about challenges dealing with, you know, fires and 142 00:25:08,130 --> 00:25:14,760 some political conflicts and some other, you know, very serious challenges that we we're already facing in our community, 143 00:25:15,120 --> 00:25:22,680 and then we had Covid and now we have, of course, these calls for social justice and activism in the U.S. and all over the world right now. 144 00:25:23,340 --> 00:25:38,790 And so really, it's as educators, and we think about this, you know, "how do we get back to normal?" and "where was normal?" and "is there even normal anymore?" So we have these storm of challenges or do we have storms of opportunities? 145 00:25:39,840 --> 00:25:47,790 What are our places? What are our rules as educators, as community members to think about our students, to think about our communities, to think about ourselves, 146 00:25:48,180 --> 00:25:53,400 and instead of trying just to wait for everything to blow over and just kind of make it through to survive, 147 00:25:53,850 --> 00:26:01,980 instead how do we dance within this and how do we take advantage of these opportunities to create something innovative, and amazing, and really impactful, 148 00:26:02,460 --> 00:26:09,840 for our students, for our communities, and for ourselves? And so that's sort of our thematic goal to think about this as we're going forward, 149 00:26:10,500 --> 00:26:13,350 and today I want to talk to them in a more detailed way, 150 00:26:13,830 --> 00:26:17,640 about specifically, what our plans for this specific PD week, 151 00:26:17,910 --> 00:26:29,910 and then of course during the semester, we will have other professional development activities as we're going through the term, and of course, we'll be in very close contact for all of those. Before I get to the schedule though, I should mention just up front, 152 00:26:30,990 --> 00:26:34,260 so as I mentioned, all of these sessions will be online, 153 00:26:34,680 --> 00:26:44,010 all these sessions, the good news is, all these sessions will be recorded, which means that if there's any sessions that you see, in which there's conflict, you see two sessions, saying, "Oh, I wish I could go to both of those," 154 00:26:44,250 --> 00:26:48,660 well, now you do, you will have an opportunity to, you know, take part in both of them, 155 00:26:50,790 --> 00:26:53,010 it's just an obviously for the, for the live sessions, 156 00:26:53,400 --> 00:27:01,320 as usual, we'll ask evaluations, at the end of those, and then, of course, if you're watching it recorded, you won't be able to to be part of that that evaluation process, 157 00:27:01,620 --> 00:27:13,890 but otherwise, certainly this is one silver lining to this storm, this rain that we're dancing in, is that it's a lot easier for us to archive these professional development presentations that we have coming up. 158 00:27:15,030 --> 00:27:24,750 And I will say, that the schedule I'm about to show you, it is, I'm pretty confident that's where it's going to go, there might be a couple of sessions where some times flop or something like this, but this is pretty much it, and 159 00:27:25,740 --> 00:27:32,550 I'll be sending out a more detailed program, you know, within the next week or so, and that will include 160 00:27:33,000 --> 00:27:46,800 you know, more information about, you know, links and how to get a hold of the information or I'm sorry, how to take part in the various sessions and that sort of thing, so, so that's coming up and it's something to look forward to. So if we could have the next slide please, and I'll show us Tuesday, 161 00:27:47,880 --> 00:27:59,610 of that week. So that's Tuesday 8/11, so we see we, you know, for all for all days we may have a full docket of really very interesting and I think really fun 162 00:28:00,060 --> 00:28:04,950 opportunities and sessions that we have going on. So we see here in the morning, 163 00:28:05,730 --> 00:28:16,140 where Tuesday, we're going to have a session about online academic integrity, and in this one, we're really, this is obviously a serious concern, if we're all essentially 90% of our classes 164 00:28:16,500 --> 00:28:21,570 are online, there are some real questions about academic integrity. There are some some real questions on checking on learning. 165 00:28:21,930 --> 00:28:28,500 And so there are some tools, there are some approaches that we can use, for how to maintain that really important education standard. 166 00:28:29,100 --> 00:28:32,520 Then we're going to have a session at the same time dealing with advanced canvas tools, 167 00:28:32,850 --> 00:28:38,820 a lot of us have been going through canvas training. Thank you for those of you who have been doing it and thank you for those who have been facilitating those trainings. 168 00:28:39,150 --> 00:28:42,030 This is really important work, and so now, what's our next step? 169 00:28:42,390 --> 00:28:51,540 And again, this is our opportunity, not just to survive using Canvas, but let's take a look at Canvas as opportunities to provide service and tools for our students so that we're not just 170 00:28:52,170 --> 00:29:00,120 you know, surviving, that we're really taking advantage and having really positive and helpful learning opportunities for our students. 171 00:29:00,690 --> 00:29:09,660 The next session dealing with accessible documents. This was always important, to making sure that our documents, everything that we share with our students and with our colleagues should be ADA accessible, 172 00:29:11,130 --> 00:29:19,980 but especially now, that so many of us are online and this is, you know, it's always been important thing, but it's especially important now that we're going to doing a lot more electronic correspondence, 173 00:29:20,250 --> 00:29:29,280 to keep that in mind, making sure that our documents in terms of Word documents, PDFs, are accessible to our students. We will also concurrently have a session on 174 00:29:30,090 --> 00:29:38,610 the Canvas Studio program that's already integrated into Canvas, but, but how can you use it and it's for video, it's for using some really creative 175 00:29:39,990 --> 00:29:46,770 tools to help our students increase student engagement, which, as we know, student engagement is involved with student learning 176 00:29:47,430 --> 00:29:57,480 as a best practice. Then after a short break for lunch, we'll have some time management tips so that we're not sitting at the computer all day long. What are some tools and tricks we can use to save some time here, 177 00:29:58,380 --> 00:30:07,350 and so that we're not, you know, burning ourselves out with too much screen time. In addition to that, we will have a very thorough 178 00:30:08,310 --> 00:30:18,960 introduction discussion about the, the CVC OEI Rubric for Course Design. Any of you who have gone through the Canvas training, you've had some some exposure to this, and so we'll have a further conversation 179 00:30:19,620 --> 00:30:28,530 about course design, about best practices, when it comes to Canvas and Canvas design, course design I should say. Then a session in the afternoon, 180 00:30:29,070 --> 00:30:46,020 from, a presentation from our Dean Monica Garcia and talking about our Behavior Intervention Team and thinking about this again as a tool for student support, and student success and then a presentation also, about a team of our professionals here, 181 00:30:47,760 --> 00:30:58,260 specifically addressing our website roll out, as Mar- as we were just discussing a bit earlier in this talk, our new version of Drupal and some really cool tools, really cool opportunities and 182 00:30:58,710 --> 00:31:03,240 really looking forward to that session and there's going to be a lot of discussion about how to 183 00:31:03,870 --> 00:31:18,240 how the website works, where to go to get more support, and again, thinking about these opportunities to really take advantage of these new tools. Okay, so [laughs] and so that's Tuesday. That's just one day. So if we go to the next slide please? 184 00:31:20,700 --> 00:31:30,690 So here we have Wednesday, again, another full day of activities. We're doing program planning in the morning, and that tends to be a very popular session, so I chose not to 185 00:31:31,080 --> 00:31:47,280 line up anything against program planning. So we'll have that in the morning. Then we'll have an update and some information from our faculty union our AFT union, and then a presentation, also from our Student Health Center, and we're especially thinking about our Student Health Center as 186 00:31:48,720 --> 00:31:53,610 yes, they've been involved in in tele-health and those are the health practices that are important for our students, 187 00:31:53,970 --> 00:31:58,950 and I'm also really interested in hearing more from our student health professionals about 188 00:31:59,460 --> 00:32:08,490 our health center's role, in terms of providing mental health services for our students, and the challenges they're facing with Covid and with our 189 00:32:09,480 --> 00:32:17,130 you know, the other social challenges that we're facing in terms of, you know, the anti racism, in terms of the other sorts of 190 00:32:17,790 --> 00:32:30,240 social concerns that we're seeing and that we're trying to address these in very positive, and constructive, and supportive ways and our Student Health Center is integral to that particular goal. 191 00:32:31,410 --> 00:32:42,870 So then next we'll have some Academic Senate planning and Classified Senate planning, you know, we're always important to have goals and moving forward with those two constituencies. 192 00:32:43,860 --> 00:32:56,430 Then, a session with SLO eLumen. So that's our new SLO reporting software. So, this is really important information about SLOs, this is important to have this, this information and this should make things more streamlined and more 193 00:32:57,750 --> 00:32:58,530 user friendly, 194 00:32:59,820 --> 00:33:00,780 as we go along. 195 00:33:02,010 --> 00:33:07,920 Now this other one is Zero Textbook Costs. We've been doing this for a while, a good year and a half, we're really focusing on zero textbook costs. 196 00:33:08,190 --> 00:33:14,790 This is I think especially important from an equity point of view, we're talking about if equity is removing barriers from our students, 197 00:33:15,060 --> 00:33:22,470 then textbooks, the cost of textbooks is a significant barrier for many of our students. So what can we do to address that and to 198 00:33:22,740 --> 00:33:26,610 help our students at the same time is maintaining, of course, a very high level 199 00:33:26,970 --> 00:33:34,890 of quality of our texts and quality of instruction, but what can we do to remove those barriers so more of our students can be successful? All of our students can be successful? 200 00:33:35,310 --> 00:33:45,330 I think this is especially worth thinking about, that, the zero textbook cost because a lot of those resources are online, I mean, not necessarily all of them, but it really is thinking about using online tools, 201 00:33:45,720 --> 00:33:54,990 and so if we're, you know, 90% of us are online, removing the need for a physical book, is another obstacle that we're helping students to be successful. 202 00:33:55,590 --> 00:34:05,730 You know, so people have concerns: "How am I going to get my book?" "Where do I go, do I have to order it?" that sort of thing. Whereas, if we're being online or at least offering those options online, it's another barrier, removed. 203 00:34:06,510 --> 00:34:13,530 So in the later in the evening, we'll have our adjunct information session, which in the past, I used to call that new adjunct information, but I've discovered that 204 00:34:14,010 --> 00:34:22,650 the, the people coming to that one sometimes are new and sometimes are returning adjuncts and I'm happy to have them all. So I'm just calling that now adjunct information session where I'm happy to welcome 205 00:34:23,160 --> 00:34:27,570 all of our adjunct instructors to come and take part in that session later in the evening. 206 00:34:29,070 --> 00:34:31,410 Okay, that was Wednesday and we can move on to our next day, please? 207 00:34:32,790 --> 00:34:33,690 To Thursday. 208 00:34:34,860 --> 00:34:44,820 So Thursday, again got some great stuff going on. We're starting off with Guided Pathways and Starfish. So Guided Pathways is, you know, we have these four pillars. 209 00:34:45,450 --> 00:34:51,270 Clarifying the path, get them on the path, keep them on this, on the path, ensure continuous learning. 210 00:34:51,750 --> 00:34:55,710 And so starfish is a really powerful tool that I think can be especially important 211 00:34:55,950 --> 00:35:04,230 to integrate with Guided Pathways, in terms of student retention, in terms of keeping them on the path, in terms of ensuring continuous learning, that sort of thing. So we thought these two 212 00:35:05,130 --> 00:35:10,680 tools were really important to talk about, how they work in conjunction with each other, also have a session from our library, 213 00:35:11,430 --> 00:35:17,040 and we're talking about information literacy resources, if we're moving online and we're getting our information online, 214 00:35:17,310 --> 00:35:25,860 then more and more, we have these opportunities to think about what are the most efficient ways to move through that online environment and to teach our students 215 00:35:26,070 --> 00:35:41,070 how to find useful, reliable information and how to recognize, you know, faulty or misleading information as well. And so anybody involved in any sort of research or writing heavy courses, I think can really benefit from from that particular session. 216 00:35:42,420 --> 00:35:46,170 We'll be doing a presentation in which one of our counselors is talking about 217 00:35:46,830 --> 00:35:53,280 some research about online student learning, about their experiences, about what works best, and what didn't seem to work out, 218 00:35:53,640 --> 00:36:03,480 and that will include some students speaking as well, what were their experiences being shifted online last March, and what was it like, and what did they learn, and what did they wish 219 00:36:04,350 --> 00:36:09,540 their stud- their instructors would know going forward. Right? How can we use this as opportunities? 220 00:36:09,960 --> 00:36:13,800 In addition to doing another Guided Pathways specifically thinking about our classified staff, 221 00:36:14,220 --> 00:36:21,150 Guided Pathways is a whole campus project, and our classified professionals are of course, hugely important to our learning community. They are part of our learning community. 222 00:36:21,390 --> 00:36:37,080 We're all together with the same mission, to support and to advance student success, and so Guided Pathways, our classified staff, I'm sorry, are hugely integrated, integral to Guided Pathways. Tthis is not just something for instructors to be aware of. 223 00:36:39,300 --> 00:36:44,340 So that's, that's going to be really important session as well. We'll have a session dealing with student equity talking 224 00:36:44,790 --> 00:36:59,220 about social justice. We'll have some conversation from our TOMCA teaching men and women of color advocates, as well as some other student equity work that we're doing on the campus and including Project CHESS, at the same time, the curriculum committee meeting, and then from there 225 00:37:00,480 --> 00:37:09,210 a session now about ACCESS. So we had the ACCESS section on Tuesday about documents and now we're thinking specifically about ACCESS and Zoom. So, especially those of us doing 226 00:37:09,750 --> 00:37:18,270 synchronous courses, especially those of us who are doing, you know, trying to replicate through Zoom, what would it be doing in class, and I'm saying Zoom, I know that there are other 227 00:37:19,650 --> 00:37:22,920 video conference tools, as well but Zoom works I think pretty well, 228 00:37:23,850 --> 00:37:30,690 but there are some some tools and tricks that we should think about in terms of making sure that those classes are accessible to our students. 229 00:37:31,560 --> 00:37:41,460 Also a presentation about sabbaticals, and this is a new one that just got in the last week or so, I was talking to some folks about this one. So we have our Data Science 230 00:37:41,910 --> 00:37:52,890 program CTE program that's, that's being launched, and so some of our folks in this area of CTE are really thinking about this field of data science, which is a combination of several different 231 00:37:53,940 --> 00:38:06,300 computer skills of how to as they're saying "solve big data problems," but also in very ethical and in mindful ways, and so these are, this is meant to be a multidisciplinary sort of cross disciplinary 232 00:38:06,810 --> 00:38:14,010 program and so they're really hoping to introduce this idea to our faculty and to really invite faculty 233 00:38:14,250 --> 00:38:26,250 to come if they want to get involved, if they want to think about, "Okay, well how does my class, might be part of this data science, a work group in this data science project?" that's another opportunity for our students to pursue the CTE training. 234 00:38:27,690 --> 00:38:38,190 In the later evening a Tenure Committee training, as you know, as, as usual. So those are our three days for for the official PD week, in terms of programs that are 235 00:38:38,880 --> 00:38:45,810 you know, we're having different facilitators will be recording those, we will be evaluating those. So, and again, this schedule will be coming out 236 00:38:47,010 --> 00:38:55,560 in the next week or so and you can start you know really looking through there and seeing what seems appealing to you, what would you like to attend. What would you like to record. 237 00:38:56,340 --> 00:39:03,120 We would like to have live attendance at these and I think it's really important to, to have that interaction and to not, 238 00:39:04,140 --> 00:39:11,310 to not forget that it's we're a community and we're a group of people working together to serve our students. So we go to the next slide, 239 00:39:11,910 --> 00:39:21,690 and I can show us Convocation. So I didn't get the fine tooth comb out for this one, but we do have some really exciting and really cool stuff coming up for Convocation, 240 00:39:22,440 --> 00:39:31,980 including some some conversations, you know, of course, will be hearing from our college president of course will be hearing from our Academic and Classified Senate presidents, 241 00:39:32,310 --> 00:39:38,910 but we'll also be doing some some good conversation, some important conversations about the social justice work that we're doing and 242 00:39:39,420 --> 00:39:46,470 we're really looking forward to this. This will be a relatively new, new idea for convocation of having some student voices involved in this as well, 243 00:39:46,770 --> 00:39:55,470 and so this was based on some work that we've been doing this summer, having students involved in these conversations about social justice, and if we aren't having 244 00:39:56,040 --> 00:40:05,910 that question, "How do we best serve our students?" Then having the student voices involved in that conversation is obviously clearly important, and so that's something we're looking forward to that. 245 00:40:07,440 --> 00:40:13,140 And of course, we'll look forward to celebrating our new faculty, we'll look forward to celebrating our faculty who have hit 246 00:40:13,830 --> 00:40:22,500 a call to service milestones. So, you know, really important day and I state this, so you see this big chunk where it says, Academic 247 00:40:22,950 --> 00:40:27,870 or sorry, Convocation Programming and it looks like three hours straight, it's not three hours straight, please don't think 248 00:40:28,080 --> 00:40:30,690 I'm asking you this to three hours straight. There are going to be breaks built in. 249 00:40:30,900 --> 00:40:40,530 We are talking about ways having some fun during the break, what are some things that we can do to get up and move around, you know, and making sure that you're, you're not all fall asleep at your monitors and things like this. So, 250 00:40:40,980 --> 00:40:46,920 we are hoping to bring this as a celebratory and really exciting and energizing 251 00:40:48,240 --> 00:40:53,580 program for you. And then, of course, we'll have our Academic Senate general meeting and 252 00:40:54,270 --> 00:41:01,440 lunch break and then of course and we'll roll into our division or department meetings as, as usual, because all of those will also still be online. 253 00:41:02,130 --> 00:41:13,020 So I just want to introduce, those sorts of things and do keep an eye out for that schedule that's coming out, a couple of the sessions might change time a little bit, but I think this is pretty much it, when it comes to the schedule. 254 00:41:13,710 --> 00:41:16,170 And when I send out the schedule it will include links, 255 00:41:16,470 --> 00:41:25,020 to, you know, where do you go to to participate in these different sessions, and again they will be recorded and will post them up to our brand new PD website, 256 00:41:25,980 --> 00:41:31,140 which you know, that's an opportunity for me, now that we have our new website, to rebuild a PD website and make it a lot more 257 00:41:31,590 --> 00:41:47,640 user friendly and a lot more welcoming, a place of resources for our faculty and our staff. So thank you for your time and thank you for your participation. And just thinking about this idea, just to sorta close the loop here on, 258 00:41:49,050 --> 00:41:49,770 on our theme, 259 00:41:51,150 --> 00:42:01,560 so again, we're facing challenges, our students are facing challenges, and we can endure it, or we can dance with it, and create innovative and creative solutions. Thank you. 260 00:42:02,400 --> 00:42:09,330 Mary: Thank you, Brian. And thank you to, a big thank you to all the people, the faculty, staff and administrators that are on the Professional Development Committee. 261 00:42:09,750 --> 00:42:24,660 We have just a couple of questions, Julius, before we move into this social justice piece. There was a question related asking what we can do to help reach out to students within our community that might be lost and might need colleges or need new careers? 262 00:42:26,310 --> 00:42:26,760 Julius: Okay. 263 00:42:28,200 --> 00:42:39,750 First of all, I know that our folks in Student Services have been, they've been developing and working with John Loprieno and Dina Pielaet on a video 264 00:42:40,650 --> 00:42:52,950 that will be on our social media, that will be available for folks to share and forward to a variety of individuals who are interested, and that video basically talks about 265 00:42:54,060 --> 00:43:07,830 student services and the tagline is "we're open". And so the idea is that we're open for them to come join our community, we're open, our services are open, our hearts are open, you know, our practices are inclusive, etc., etc. 266 00:43:08,490 --> 00:43:25,680 So that's one way in which we do that work, which is to sort of send it out. We also have increased our advertising, so that we can communicate with our service area with advertising our career programs. Right? And for advertising our PACE program. 267 00:43:27,720 --> 00:43:43,440 We have continued an ongoing outreach that's happening through our Outreach office so that folks can hear about the programs that are available, but I ask each one of you to please be our advocates, and to be our ambassadors in the community, 268 00:43:44,340 --> 00:43:50,610 you know, everybody's on Zoom, everybody's on some social media platform, you know, post about Moorpark College, 269 00:43:50,880 --> 00:43:57,720 and one of the things I'm training myself to do now is, you know, post something about Moorpark College on my LinkedIn page or something about Moorpark College 270 00:43:58,050 --> 00:44:05,310 at least once a month on my Facebook page and I could probably do it daily, if I, if I were more disciplined about it, 271 00:44:06,090 --> 00:44:16,950 and please do share that information. We're also working with our local K-12 schools. Not only through our dual enrollment offerings, and you should know our dual enrollment program offerings are packed. they're filling, 272 00:44:17,760 --> 00:44:30,990 but we're also working with them so that we can get message out to families of those high school students as sophomores, juniors and those incoming seniors as to the opportunities that are available to them at Moorpark College. 273 00:44:32,340 --> 00:44:42,210 Mary: Thank you, Julius. Jennifer, would you mind reminding us, people on on what to tell students as far as picking up books from the bookstore or how to get their books from the bookstore? 274 00:44:44,430 --> 00:44:58,830 Jennifer: Oh, sure, sorry, it came on and then it went off. There we go. Yes. So bookstore, the bookstore textbook ordering is going to be all online. 275 00:44:59,910 --> 00:45:13,860 So please let your students know that they should, you know, it's again it's entirely online. I understand that if the students spends $100 or more, whether they're renting or buying or whatever they're doing, 276 00:45:14,340 --> 00:45:23,310 if they're spending $100 and more the shipping is included. So, you know, that's great. They don't have to come to campus at all to get their books. 277 00:45:23,730 --> 00:45:35,490 If, however, they are buying or renting less than $100, the shipping is not included. So if they want to pay to have it shipped to their house, that's wonderful, that's great. They certainly can, 278 00:45:36,600 --> 00:45:44,790 but our bookstore will be open for pickup. So we are arranging for some couple of windows, 279 00:45:45,240 --> 00:45:53,790 at least a couple of windows, sort of in the back, or we're, again, we're working out the social distancing with the bookstore staff and the students and how that's exactly going to work, but 280 00:45:54,360 --> 00:46:06,180 the in store or the on campus bookstore sort of interaction will be to pick up books, textbooks that students did not have shipped to their house. 281 00:46:10,950 --> 00:46:17,760 Mary: Thank you, somebody just reinforced that by saying they ordered from Barnes and Noble and received the books within three days so 282 00:46:18,540 --> 00:46:28,350 that's really good. Thank you for that. Just a clarification on Brian when he was talking about wanting live interactions we mean we want live like live Zoom, 283 00:46:29,760 --> 00:46:36,300 rather than live like really in person. So just so we're clear on that we still are doing Zoom for 284 00:46:37,650 --> 00:46:48,990 for Flex week as well as Convocation so not to, you know, we want people to be, take advantage of the taped ones but or the recorded ones, but also to be there 285 00:46:52,230 --> 00:47:02,010 synchronously, I guess would be that the new term on that. So thank you. The Times for NFO I will get and we will send those out in the email, 286 00:47:02,400 --> 00:47:17,490 and the request for additional higher, advanced, training in Camtasia, and other things, we'll have a discussion with DE and see what we can do. Julius, would you be able to lead us forward on, I know you've got some great ideas for us on the social justice? 287 00:47:18,780 --> 00:47:31,530 Julius: Yes, thank you, Mary. And just to add to what Brian said about Convocation. We are trying our very best to be as inclusive as possible, and so we are inviting and we'll be sending an email, 288 00:47:31,860 --> 00:47:37,650 as well as a social media campaign to all our students. Students can participate in Convocation. 289 00:47:38,430 --> 00:47:44,700 They will, the student leadership will have access through Zoom and the general population of students will have 290 00:47:45,090 --> 00:47:55,770 access through YouTube. So we're working towards getting that in place and that then opens it up for the entire community to actually participate. One of the things we would like to do is to 291 00:47:56,100 --> 00:48:07,200 impress upon our local community that we are not only their local community college, but that they're part of us. And so our goal this year will be to get more students participating Convocation, 292 00:48:07,500 --> 00:48:10,680 more faculty, staff and administrators participating in Convocation, 293 00:48:11,040 --> 00:48:21,570 and inviting our local community to participate in our Convocation. So I'm thinking of it as really sort of, you know, the state of the college and if it's a state of the college, then you know, 294 00:48:22,140 --> 00:48:35,550 the individuals who live in our neighborhood, our Mayor, folks who are on the Water Board, whatever it is, you know, should want to hear about us and how we are helping to build capacity in those towns and communities that we serve. 295 00:48:36,090 --> 00:48:46,620 So again, that's another way, which you can share about the college, invite them to come to our Convocation and hear all the great stuff that's happening at Moorpark College. Next slide please. So, 296 00:48:47,940 --> 00:48:59,940 I want to thank you first and foremost for everyone who's participated in one of our social justice work groups. This work is challenging work. This work is hard. It requires courage. 297 00:49:00,510 --> 00:49:13,110 It can be uncomfortable work to do, and folks have thrown themselves in heart and soul and have joined this work roups and engaging, we've had one one group that has 35 people in it, 298 00:49:13,560 --> 00:49:22,260 right? I mean, that tells you that folks one to engage and I appreciate it. I particularly appreciate the fact that we have faculty who are not in contract 299 00:49:22,350 --> 00:49:29,580 who are doing this and who are participating and facilitating conversations and being members of groups. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 300 00:49:30,180 --> 00:49:35,100 We also want to make sure that we engage and involve our all our stakeholder groups, 301 00:49:35,610 --> 00:49:42,630 our classified professionals, our students, and thank you to those individuals from those groups who have chosen to take on leadership roles 302 00:49:42,930 --> 00:49:54,390 we're grateful for that, and this work cannot happen unless we as a college committee participating in this and doing it from a place where we discover and a place where we learn and we grow. 303 00:49:55,260 --> 00:50:08,280 You can still join a group, you will get, the whole college, will get invites to all four groups through an Outlook invitation that Linda will send out and please go ahead and 304 00:50:09,060 --> 00:50:19,530 join one of those groups if you were not there last week. But yeah, last week, least you go ahead and join them on this coming week on Monday, the third of August at noon. Next slide. 305 00:50:21,720 --> 00:50:36,630 So where, you know what's next. Where are we going? I think it's really important for us as we do this work, to not only work smart and not reinvent the wheel, but I think it's important for us to focus this work around certain 306 00:50:37,980 --> 00:50:49,620 I guess tenants, institutional priorities. So as we're doing this work as a new individual work groups, please think about what you see, or as a possible institutional priority. 307 00:50:50,250 --> 00:50:57,120 We have four work groups, we have these each of these four groups either working in a programmatic level and they're looking at what 308 00:50:57,600 --> 00:51:09,270 what will support a department, support a service area, or support a business area. But as we're doing that work, on larger goal is building institutional capacity, 309 00:51:09,870 --> 00:51:18,210 helping all our students, helping all our faculty, and staff, and administrators feel like they belong in this setting, feel that they have a voice. 310 00:51:18,720 --> 00:51:25,260 So as you're doing your work in your groups, think about what is our, what is the campus wide sense of urgency? 311 00:51:25,560 --> 00:51:27,870 What should we be prioritizing as an institution? 312 00:51:28,110 --> 00:51:38,640 It may be maybe something within your group, it may be something within another work group, but ultimately, that's where we want to get at, each of these work groups will do their thing, but there has to be one institutional priority for this academic year. 313 00:51:39,030 --> 00:51:51,180 We have not identified it as of yet, we're hoping that as you do your work, that you have information that we can all come together and identify that institutional priority. This is something with campus wide urgency. 314 00:51:52,260 --> 00:52:00,960 The work groups are, should also within themselves identify their own priorities for fall 2020 and/or spring 2021. 315 00:52:01,530 --> 00:52:10,620 This is not a one, one and done effort, the intention is to make sure that we build a foundation and build systems that will support this work ongoing, 316 00:52:10,860 --> 00:52:20,220 so that when those of us who are here now are retired, this work is still going on, right? That's the intention. It's not for us to just sort of sit down work on an initiative right now and then it'd be done, 317 00:52:20,700 --> 00:52:32,910 that is not this work. So please think about it as what you want to do in the fall, what you want to do in the spring, or what you want to do through the entire year and just start in the fall and work it throughout the entire year. 318 00:52:33,870 --> 00:52:40,080 Also, as you're in your work groups identify action items needed to accomplish your work. 319 00:52:40,770 --> 00:52:50,880 What are the individual pieces of work? What are the individual items that need to be built out? What are the individual actions and operations that are in place? What barriers are 320 00:52:51,840 --> 00:53:00,600 impeding inclusion of all voices? How can we address those barriers? Those action items matter as much as the concept. 321 00:53:00,990 --> 00:53:18,420 We have a good tradition at this college of talking and talking and doing great work talking, we need to move from talking to action, by moving to action is identifying action items right from the start. Please pick one or two action items that you would like to pursue 322 00:53:19,860 --> 00:53:38,130 or develop this semester, as I said, maybe start something in fall and finish in spring. The goal is to make sure we're working on activities that will lead to something, and that something is addressing institutional priorities that can then lead to systemic change. Next slide. 323 00:53:40,290 --> 00:53:57,240 So for the priority action item, please think about these additional considerations. What is required to make progress on this work? What do we as an institution need to do? What do you need to do in your departments? what do we need to do with our students? I heard a said earlier, 324 00:53:58,440 --> 00:54:10,320 earlier, a week or so ago, it said, "No student is expendable," and I think it's really important to start from that place, we're doing this work so that no student is expandable, 325 00:54:10,920 --> 00:54:18,870 but we're also doing this work so that no faculty member is expendable, no staff person is expendable, no administrators expendable. 326 00:54:19,260 --> 00:54:29,310 All our voices matter, but this work to make to me transformational change at this college and in our community, we need to be very clear 327 00:54:30,030 --> 00:54:42,960 on what we need to make progress. What are the resources that we need? What are the attitudes that we need? What are the routines that we become used to that we need to revisit and eliminate or dismantle? 328 00:54:43,890 --> 00:54:55,530 How does this work, connect to the charging actions of our existing or governance groups on campus? As I said in the previous email every single word group is connected to some governance committee, 329 00:54:55,890 --> 00:55:06,090 and it's connected to some work group, to some task force. How can we make sure that we're not duplicating effort? How do we align the work that we're doing in this work groups with that work, 330 00:55:06,630 --> 00:55:16,290 so that the curriculum conversation is not just happening in this work group, and diversifying curriculum, but it is connected to the agenda, the work plan for curriculum committee? 331 00:55:17,190 --> 00:55:22,380 Right? We also know that we need to set a timeline for making this work. 332 00:55:22,860 --> 00:55:27,750 So as you're in your work groups, look at the timeline, either for this semester or for the academic year, 333 00:55:28,020 --> 00:55:36,330 and then plan on how you're going to hold yourselves accountable, knowing that things are going to happen in the course of the semester that will be distractions from this work, 334 00:55:37,200 --> 00:55:48,510 Right? You know, things will happen in the course of the semester, where this work is still important, but you have those papers to grade, you have those students to counsel, you have the facility to take care of, 335 00:55:48,840 --> 00:56:08,070 all of that happens as we're doing this work. Also, it is important that we identify which important considerations, the who, what, where and when, that needs to go into play, so that whatever you as a work group focus upon as your action items, so that we can make sure that is a reality, 336 00:56:09,570 --> 00:56:20,220 and how will you know that you've been successful in doing this work, what are the indicators of success? We need to be able to envision it see it before it happens. What is that success look like 337 00:56:20,880 --> 00:56:27,960 because that's successful tell you what we as a college want to see happen so that we can affect social change. 338 00:56:28,710 --> 00:56:34,110 It will also tell you what we as a college want to happen so that all of our students feel connected, 339 00:56:34,560 --> 00:56:43,530 it will also tell us what we as a college wants to see happen, so that each one of us feels like we can bring up all of ourselves to the work that we do at this college, 340 00:56:44,250 --> 00:56:47,640 and it's very important that we get buy-in from everyone to build in this work, 341 00:56:48,030 --> 00:56:54,570 not everybody's in the choir and everybody's jumping at doing this work, but from what I see, so far, there's a whole lot of people in the choir. 342 00:56:55,020 --> 00:56:58,350 Let's get more people to sing, let's get more people to participate. 343 00:56:59,310 --> 00:57:10,080 The reality of equity work, the reality of activism, the reality of addressing the tough questions around race in this country, and in our own college environment, is to speak it out. 344 00:57:10,740 --> 00:57:16,320 If we don't speak it out, if we don't say it, we can't identify and that becomes a challenge. 345 00:57:16,710 --> 00:57:26,550 We need allies, we need folks to ask those tough questions. So if you're not so sure about all of this, please join a group, please participate, please ask questions. 346 00:57:26,910 --> 00:57:38,640 All I ask that we do is that we be civil and respectful of one another. All that I ask that we do is we put students at the core of our experience and all that we ask that you do is respect one another's roles on campus. 347 00:57:39,060 --> 00:57:49,200 Respect one another's identities, either on campus or what we bring to this conversation because that civility matters. Next slide please. 348 00:57:50,730 --> 00:58:07,560 So what is important as we do this work, is to know that as a group, each of these work groups will be presenting at Convocation on the 14th of August, and that at that time each group will be required to identify a 10 minute 349 00:58:07,920 --> 00:58:10,080 presentation where you share with the 350 00:58:10,350 --> 00:58:24,960 with the college, you know, what your priority is, how you will go about your how you think you might go about it, if you don't have the how yet, you know, set a timeline for yourself to identify what that how is, and then again, let us know what are your indicators of success. 351 00:58:25,470 --> 00:58:34,050 That brief presentation from each group will be integrated into our Convocation activity. So please come with that, 352 00:58:34,770 --> 00:58:40,230 with that idea, with that frame in mind, so that we can simply continue to do this work. 353 00:58:41,100 --> 00:58:53,970 This is not a top down approach. This is not a Julius initiative. This is not from the executive team. This is not an Academic Senate and Classified Senate leadership, you know, joining the bandwagon of an initiative. This is really from each one of us. 354 00:58:54,390 --> 00:59:08,640 For this to really make meaning, for this to really this is about campus climate, and it's very important that we think about what environment do we want our students and what to study, and what environment we want ourselves to work. 355 00:59:09,900 --> 00:59:10,920 Positive change 356 00:59:12,000 --> 00:59:26,970 will only occur if we work together. We are all in this together, and if we can continue to believe and work through that, I know Moorpark College we're a college of excellence, we're a college of innovation. We can do this. Thank you so much. 357 00:59:31,380 --> 00:59:39,630 Mary: Julius on that excellent note, you all have a wonderful day, and a great week. we'll talk to you all next week. Bye.